I.W. by COMITEL – Edition 32

MOSCOW - 18/11/2013

Dear friends,

We wish to thank you for your kind participation to the 32nd edition of the I.W. by Comitel that was held in Moscow at Marriott Grand Hotel last November 18thThe event was a huge success thanks to your participation and the presence of more that 160 buyers from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakistan. All buyers were very satisfied, here below some of the comments received:

“We really thank you for organizing the workshop on November 18th. It was very useful and gave us the opportunity to strengthen relationship with old partners and make new contacts” (ERTZOG TRAVEL COMPANY)

“ We really appreciated the quality and the variety of the offer. Not only we met our usual partners but we also reached some new ones. We also managed to create new and exclusive programs.”  (EUROPE TOUR)

“We are very grateful for the chance to discover your beautiful country and to get useful information. We’ll surely find new partners!”


We are positive about the fact that new and important partnerships will come from these meetings!

VIII Edition

To the markets of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan


At: 18/Nov/2013

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